Dental Implants vs. Dentures: What's the Difference? Explaining the Top 5 Differences

Wondering what the difference is between dental implants and dentures? Both of these treatments can be used to replace one, several, or a full mouth of missing teeth. So how are they different? 

Well, there are lots of differences between these two restorative dentistry options in Norwalk. So in this blog from Riverwalk Dental Care, we’ll discuss the most important differences so that you can learn a bit more about implants, dentures, and which treatment might be right for you.

1. Dentures Are Cheaper Than Dental Implants

If you’re on a tight budget, this is definitely something to keep in mind. Dentures are not cheap, but they are still less expensive than dental implants, particularly if you need to replace all of your missing teeth.

In addition to this, dental implants are rarely covered by dental insurance, while dentures are usually at least partially covered by insurance. 

2. Dental Implants Last Longer Than Dentures

Dental implants have a high up-front cost, but they are extremely durable and long-lasting. Most patients are able to keep them for the rest of their lives.

In comparison, full dentures need to be replaced about every 5 years, while partial dentures need to be replaced about every 10 years. In the long run, dental implants may be a better investment in some cases. 

3. Dentures Provide Faster Results Compared to Dental Implants

It can take up to 6 months or longer to get dental implants, and this doesn’t include preparation treatments like tooth extractions and other surgeries that may be necessary for some patients. 

Denture fittings, on the other hand, usually take about a month at most, so you will be able to get a new set of teeth faster if you choose dentures. 

4. Dental Implants Protect Your Jaw & Prevent Bone Loss, Unlike Dentures

Dental implants are designed to bond with the underlying jaw bone. Because of this, they strengthen and stimulate it and prevent it from weakening, which is a common problem after tooth loss.

Because dentures sit on top of the gums and jaw, they do not stimulate the jaw bone in the same way, which can lead to jaw bone loss and changes in your appearance over time. 

5. Dentures Can Move and Shift, but Dental Implants Stay in Place

When they fit properly, dentures will not move very much. However, they may shift slightly when you eat, speak, and chew, and this can take some getting used to.

In contrast, implants will never move, since they are securely attached to your jaw bone, and restorations like crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures will be attached tightly to the implants to hold them in place.

Not Sure What’s Right for You? Contact Us for a Consultation! 

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when choosing between dentures and dental implants, such as your budget, your overall oral health, your personal preferences, and lots of other factors. 

So the best way to figure out what’s right for you is to see an experienced dentist in Norwalk, such as Dr. David Nill. At your appointment at Riverwalk Dental Care, Dr. Nill can discuss the details of each treatment, and help you decide what’s right for your own unique situation. Contact us online or give us a call at (203) 286 8668 to get started right away.